150 Quotes to Celebrate 150 Years of God’s Unchanging Grace in Christ

β€œEvery part of the historic liturgy is drawn directly from the Sacred Scriptures.This means that the liturgy is the Word of God in use; it is not something of our making; it is something we have received from God.What we sing and pray in the liturgy, down to every clause, is something God has given us.This is perhaps the most distinctive feature of traditional, liturgical worship: in keeping the catholic tradition of the church of all times, liturgical worship employs a manifestly Biblical tradition. Since every part of the liturgy can easily be traced to Scripture, we may go so far as to say that the liturgy is Scripture in action; and so, properly understood, it is right to call it the living Word of God.”
(Eckardt, The New Testament is His Blood, Gottesdienst 2010, p.73)

Service of Celebration on June 24, 2018 @ 2pm
Meal and Fellowship to follow.